Applying for Grants
the RHEF Mission
The Red Hook Education Foundation works to enhance public education for students in our community by funding programs that promote equity and inspire excellence.
Purpose of Grants
The Red Hook Education Foundation offers grants to members of the Red Hook community in order to expand and enhance educational opportunities for the students of Red Hook schools. These grants are intended to:
- provide resources, support, or experiences that would otherwise be inaccessible to students
- support learning experiences that connect to, or build off of, what students are learning in school
Faculty, staff, administrators, parents, and students of the Red Hook Central School District are welcome to submit grant applications. All applications must be approved and signed by the building principal (for grants benefiting a particular school) or the superintendent (for grants benefiting the full district).
Award Amounts
Applicants are eligible for mini-grants up to $1,000. Projects that request funding above the $1,000 mini-grants limit should contact the foundation directly to discuss a project of interest. The total amount of resources available for mini-grants may vary from year to year depending upon RHEF funding.
Criteria for Grant Applications
In evaluating each mini-grant application, the Foundation will consider whether a program meets the following criteria:
- Aligns with the mission of RHEF
- Is innovative or creative
- Enhances and enriches learning
- Offers the participants a unique learning opportunity
- Benefits the most students possible
- Is not currently funded by other sources
- Has goals which are clearly defined and realistic
- Has specific methods of implementation and evaluation
- Shows potential for sustainability beyond the grant period
- Leverages the resources and capabilities of other community resources
Grant applications are accepted at any time. The review process may vary in length but typically takes 30‐60 days.
Grantees will agree to use RHEF funds solely for the purpose requested.
Materials purchased become the property of the Red Hook Central School District.
Grantee will provide a written project update to the Red Hook Education Foundation within 45 days of completion of project. This update should include:
- a summary of the project/program
- an evaluation of the project/program and assessment of the degree to which it met its stated goals, including any relevant data and qualitative anecdotes
- an explanation of how the project/program connected to and enhanced students’ experiences and learning in school
- accounting of the use of the grant and the impact of the funding
- future plans to build off of or continue the project/program
- pictures and/or video of the project/program
Grantees may be asked to provide information and photos for RHEF marketing purposes.
Grantees will include RHEF branding and mention RHEF as a funder in program materials and publications related to the activities that the grant funds.
RHEF will release the names of the grant recipients through the local media and Foundation publications.